The Buzzi Bodies Story
Twelve years ago, a group of enthusiastic teachers began to
work on a programme of lesson plans and resources for pre-school and primary
school children. They saw the need for a high quality, challenging and
structured programme that would enhance and enrich Early Childhood Development
in South Africa.
Our Mission:
- · We aim to equip pre-school, foundation phase and intermediate phase children with the skills they need to excel in a wide variety of sport codes offered in both private and public primary schools.
- · To teach children the specific skills and terminology needed to participate and excel in these sport codes while building confidence and most importantly while having fun.
- · To incorporate the teaching of colours, numbers, names of sport apparatus, good listening skills, and the ability to follow instructions into the Buzzi Bodies programme.
- · To optimise the potential of children by providing a comprehensive age-appropriate and structured programme of stimulating activities.
- · To prepare children for life by focussing on the values and skills needed for success and fulfilment in the future.

The Buzzi Bodies Focus:
- · Cognitive Development. (Acquisition of knowledge, experience, thinking skills, problem solving, analysing.)
- · Emotional Development. (Self-esteem, security, EQ– emotional intelligence.)
- · Social Development. (Interaction, moral principles, values, conflict resolution, negotiation, etc.)
- · Perceptual Development. (Spatial orientation, fine & gross motor skills, directionality, recognition, the senses, comprehension, sequencing, etc.)

The Buzzi Bodies Programme Creator and Facilitator:
Brett Adam taught in both the
Foundation phase and Intermediate phase for seven years. Apart from teaching
various subjects, he was primary school counsellor and sports coach. He is the
Marketing Manager of ‘Beyond Potential’, and also developer and facilitator of the
“Buzzi Bodies” physical education and gross-motor development programme.
Brett taught PE in the Foundation
and the Intermediate Phase for a prestigious private school. He has the
following qualifications: BEd (Unisa), Level 1 First Aid, Level 1 Bakers
Cricket coaching qualification, Numerous counselling and grief and bereavement
certificates/courses, and an ITE (CTI) Information Technology Engineering
The Buzzi Bodies Physical Education – Gross Motor
enjoy a 30-45 minute Buzzi Bodies lesson every week at their school. (2
coaches – 5-15 children)
Each lesson is broken into three
Warm up and description of activities
Lesson content / actual activities / practicing
actual skill
Conclusion / feedback and cool down

Coaches take notes throughout the
lesson for assessment purposes. Any issues or achievements are noted and a full
10 page report will be given to the parents three times a year.
The Buzzi Bodies programme starts
with simple fun lessons and progresses to more difficult activities as each
child becomes more confident.
Buzzi Bodies goes the extra mile:
Buzzi Bodies coaches run free holiday workshops
every term for children on holiday care.
The Buzzi Bodies Coaches are more than willing
to organise and run sports / family fun days at schools (Send information to
parents, organise sponsors and provide entertainment for the children.)
We also run workshops for teachers, giving them
ideas for Gross-Motor activities that could be done during class time. Teachers
can don their “takkies” and participate in many of the activities we usually do
with the children!