Thursday 23 May 2013

Enrichment Exercises for "I Have Toes!"




1.    Self-concept: One of the first steps in healthy emotional development is for your child to develop self - awareness.
~ As you read the story-book point out your child’s own little toes, nose, shin, chin, etc.                                   ~ Talk about people you know and discuss their knees,   noses, bellies, or hair.

2.   Self-esteem: Sources of self-esteem are both internal (the child experiences pleasure at having accomplished a task), and external (positive feedback from parents who recognize the child’s achievement.)
~ Ask your child to point at the toes on page 0, the rose and the nose on page 2, the knees on page 4, and so on. Let her repeat the words, and show her that you are pleased at her achievement.

3.   Body awareness: Play a game with your child like “Simon Says” and see if she can mimic your actions.     ~ As you say: “Simon says, ‘Put your hands on your head’”, do the action as well. (Go through all the body parts so that your child learns all their names.)
4.   Awareness of others: Go through the family album and point out grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. Talk about them, their relationship to your child and about things they do; e.g. “This is Uncle Albert, he is a policeman.” Or “This is your cousin Barney; remember when he came to your birthday party?”

5.   Differences: Compare the pictures of people in this book. Talk about the colours of their clothing, their hair styles, their facial expressions, their ages and sizes.

6. Fantasy and reality:
~ Look at the picture on page 16. Ask: are pigs really green and red and purple?
~ Look at the picture on page 18. Ask: Do trees have hair? What is green and hangs down? (Leaves.)           Do trees have brown toes? (Roots.)

7. Pronunciation:
~ Play a game with your child and repeat all the rhyming words in the story. Listen carefully to hear if your child is pronouncing the words correctly. DO NOT CORRECT your child, just say the words again and allow her to practise.

Enrichment Exercises for "Trains and Boats and Planes"


1. Theme: TRAVEL

2. Values:
ž  Sense of Adventure
ž  Responsibility
ž  Unconditional love
ž  Acceptance

3. Related topics:
ž  Traffic Safety
ž  Types of transport
ž  Movement
ž  Traffic Sounds

4. To promote sorting skills and the understanding of
    types of movement:

ž  Look in your toy box for things that MOVE.

ž  Sort out all your toys with wheels on for traveling on land:
(Do you have toy cars, trains, trucks, prams, bicycles?)

ž  Sort out all your toys that are designed to fly:
(Do you have airplanes, helicopters, or parachutes to toss in the air?)
ž  Perhaps you have a Frisbee?  See how it glides when you throw it?

ž                        Do you have other toys that twirl in the wind, like a windmill on a stick?

ž  Sort out all your toys that float on water:
(What about all your favourite bath toys?)

ž  Have you ever floated a paper boat in a puddle of rain?

5. To promote recognition of the main character in the  
    story as well as the perception of position:
ž  Who is the little person you see on each page?  Could it be you?

ž  Where is the little person when the train goes past?

ž  Where is he when the motorcycle goes speeding by?

ž  Where is he when the airplane flies overhead?

ž  Who is in the basket of the hot air balloon?

ž  Who is in the helicopter?

ž  Where is our little person when the boats and ships sail by?

6. To reinforce traffic safety:
    (Look at the picture on page 17.)

ž  Who is standing at the robot?

ž  Why do they hold hands?

ž  Can you name the colours of the traffic lights?
ž  Which colour is at the top?

ž  Which colour is in the middle?

ž  Which colour is at the bottom?

ž  Can you make up a song about the traffic lights?  Here are the words, now you make up a tune:

                   “Green means go,
              Yellow means slow
              and red means stop.”

7. To promote oral and language skills:

ž  Who is waving to our little character from the big truck?

ž  What is the big truck carrying?

ž  Where is he going with such a heavy load?

ž  What is a harbor?

ž  Where will the ships take their load?

ž  AND FINALLY!  Who is this on the bicycle?

Enrichment Exercises for "The Goofy Gosling"

Enrichment Exercises for "The Goofy Gosling"

1.    VALUES = Tenacity, determination, persistence.
What are the names of the babies of these creatures’? (Complete the sentences.)
·        A baby Goose is a ----------
·        A baby Duck is a ---------
·        A baby Chicken is a ---------
·        A baby Pig is a --------
·        A baby Sheep is a ---------
·        A baby Cow is a ---------
·        A baby Horse is a ---------
·        A baby Butterfly is a ---------
·        A baby Frog is a ---------

Go out and search for creatures. If you can go to a farmyard, a children’s petting zoo, a park with a river or lake ~ even better! Look at the animals and birds, insects and reptiles. Discover what they feel like, what they eat, where they live, how they smell. Discuss all these senses and enjoy!
Go through the book again and look for:
·        A yellow duckling
·        A green caterpillar
·        A blue river
·        A white lamb
·        A brown calf
·        A pink pig
·        A brown tadpole
·        A red flower
·        An orange sun
(Look closely at the pictures and find other animals.)

What noises do these animals make? Do the actions too!
* A dog -----             * A cat -----
* A duck -----            * A pig -----
* A sheep ------         * A snake -----
* A cow ------            * A cricket -----
* A horse ------         * A hen -----
* A monkey ------      * A goat ------
* A lion ------            * A donkey ------
* An elephant -------  * A wolf -----
* A frog ------           * A whale ------
* A peacock -------    * A hyena ------
* A cockerel ------     * A goose ------