Thursday 23 May 2013

Enrichment Exercises for "Trains and Boats and Planes"


1. Theme: TRAVEL

2. Values:
ž  Sense of Adventure
ž  Responsibility
ž  Unconditional love
ž  Acceptance

3. Related topics:
ž  Traffic Safety
ž  Types of transport
ž  Movement
ž  Traffic Sounds

4. To promote sorting skills and the understanding of
    types of movement:

ž  Look in your toy box for things that MOVE.

ž  Sort out all your toys with wheels on for traveling on land:
(Do you have toy cars, trains, trucks, prams, bicycles?)

ž  Sort out all your toys that are designed to fly:
(Do you have airplanes, helicopters, or parachutes to toss in the air?)
ž  Perhaps you have a Frisbee?  See how it glides when you throw it?

ž                        Do you have other toys that twirl in the wind, like a windmill on a stick?

ž  Sort out all your toys that float on water:
(What about all your favourite bath toys?)

ž  Have you ever floated a paper boat in a puddle of rain?

5. To promote recognition of the main character in the  
    story as well as the perception of position:
ž  Who is the little person you see on each page?  Could it be you?

ž  Where is the little person when the train goes past?

ž  Where is he when the motorcycle goes speeding by?

ž  Where is he when the airplane flies overhead?

ž  Who is in the basket of the hot air balloon?

ž  Who is in the helicopter?

ž  Where is our little person when the boats and ships sail by?

6. To reinforce traffic safety:
    (Look at the picture on page 17.)

ž  Who is standing at the robot?

ž  Why do they hold hands?

ž  Can you name the colours of the traffic lights?
ž  Which colour is at the top?

ž  Which colour is in the middle?

ž  Which colour is at the bottom?

ž  Can you make up a song about the traffic lights?  Here are the words, now you make up a tune:

                   “Green means go,
              Yellow means slow
              and red means stop.”

7. To promote oral and language skills:

ž  Who is waving to our little character from the big truck?

ž  What is the big truck carrying?

ž  Where is he going with such a heavy load?

ž  What is a harbor?

ž  Where will the ships take their load?

ž  AND FINALLY!  Who is this on the bicycle?

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