Thursday 15 August 2013

A story to spark your child’s imagination: "The Great Space Adventure."

A story to spark your child’s imagination:

(This story was used to introduce some science experiments, some creative activities and super imaginative play!)

The Great Space Adventure

Joey and Selina were tired of playing with their toys. Their blue plastic swords, fancy play guitar and shiny scooter seemed old and boring. Joey said: “Let’s do something different!”  Selina said: “Let’s watch TV!”  They sat down on the mat and tried to watch TV for a while – but there were the same old boring cartoons!
Joey said: “I know, let’s go outside in the garden. There must be something new to play with out there.”

Selina ran outside to find something new to play with. She looked at the swing. “I’m tired of swinging.” She said. Then she looked at the slide, and said: “I’m tired of sliding.”
Joey searched and search all over the garden. There were the same old trees and bushes, the same old driveway, the same old swing and slide.

Joey sat under a big tree and played a game on his iphone. “Even this is getting boring!” Selena agreed: “I want to do something, not just sit and look at a small screen!”
“We need to have an adventure”, said Joey. “That’s what I want to do – Have an adventure!”
“What kind of adventure? asked Selina.

Joey lay on the grass and stared at the sky. “I don’t know. Maybe we can be astronauts? Maybe we can pretend to fly off into space in a big red and blue rocket and have a wonderful adventure!”
Selina lay down on the grass next to Joey and stared at the sky too. It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was setting, streaking the sky with red and orange. As the sky became darker, Joey and Selina saw the stars start to twinkle, one by one, until there were hundreds of stars twinkling at them.

Joey said: “Look at all the twinkling stars! I think they want us to come and play with them. They are winking and twinkling up in the sky!”

Then slowly a wonderful thing happened!

A huge round silvery moon slowly rose up over the hill.

Joey and Selena jumped up and stared at the moon.

It was a magic moon!

Joey and Selena felt themselves growing very tall and very strong – suddenly they had super hero powers!

They felt fantastic! Their muscles grew hard and powerful, they could run faster than a speeding car, jump higher than a house, and pick up an elephant in one hand!

Even their names changed.
(Joey became Zan and Selena became Jayna. A brother and sister Super-Hero team:  both brave and tough, fearing nothing and together ready to go off on a great adventure!)

“I know, we must go up in a rocket and visit the moon!”

Zan and Jayna went to collect two special things they would need to visit the moon.
1. First: A Magical passport.
·        This magical passport looked just like a small white sheet of paper with magical markings on it. All Zan and Jayna had to do, was figure out how to make a hole in the passport - big enough for both of them to fit through.
·        Once they had stepped through the hole in the magical passport, they would be able to jump on the red and blue rocket and blast off to the moon!

2. Second: A bowl of special alien food.
·        This special alien food was a gift for the little green men that lived in the craters on the moon.
·        Zan and Jayna had to make the blue slime first, and take it with them in the rocket to the moon.

Then, once they had made the disgusting blue slime, and packed it into a bag, they made a hole in the magical passport and stepped through it. They were now able to jump into the rocket and zoom off to the moon!

All the little green men on the moon were so happy to see Zan and Jayna!
They loved the blue slime!

Zan and Jayna had a great adventure flying through space and meeting the weird little green men on the moon!

They didn’t eat any of the blue slime though – it was poisonous to Earth children – even Super-Hero brothers and sisters!

What a wonderful adventure!

(See our previous newsletter for the slime recipe! Our Buzzi Brains kids loved it!!!)

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