Sunday 24 March 2013

A new story - Jessie the Great Dane puppy

Jessie, the Great Dane Puppy - A new story all about a puppy's adventures. Jessie meets lots of new friends and has fun as she discovers new animals in the park.
The theme of the story is "Pets" and part of the Enrichment section at the back of the book includes the following:

1.    To promote gross motor co-ordination.           
        Have fun with your child, copying all the actions and movements described in the story.

  •    The splishity, splashity, splosh of the birds,
  •    The waddle, waddle, waddle of the duck,
  •    The hoppity, hoppity, hop, hop, hop of the bunny,
  •    The wiggle, waggle, wiggle of the fish,
  •    The slithering of the snake,
  •    Swimming round and round like a frog (lay your child on his tummy and show him how a frog kicks his legs when he swims – if you can do this in a swimming pool – even better!
2. Tell your child about which creatures he can play with safely and which are best to avoid.
(This would depend on where you live.)  Make sure he knows what to do if he ever comes across a snake, a scorpion, a wasp, etc.
Show him how to handle a baby animal – a puppy, a kitten, a rabbit – to be gentle and not to harm small creatures.

3. The theme of this story is ‘PETS’.
Let your child care for a pet – dog, cat, mouse, hamster, goldfish, or even a bug from the garden. Talk about feeding it, cleaning it and seeing to it’s needs.
Encourage his/her curiosity, look at picture books together, spend time in the garden or a park, and find new things to pique your child’s interest.    

                  Every experience is an adventure of discovery!

Here is how the story ends: 

What’s this! A long gray slithery snake
curling around the gardener’s rake!

“I won’t play with you, you give me a fright.
With those mean sharp teeth, you just might bite!”

The snake hisses and slithers - and slithers and hisses,
He spits at Jessie, but lucky… he misses.

No - one will play with that snake today!
So off he slithers to hide far away.

A voice from the fence says: “You’re a very good dog!”
You were friends with the birds, the duck and the frog.”

“Who are you, Mr. Bird; you’re so fluffy and fat?
You’re not gold like the fish or striped like the cat!”

“I am an owl, I can see in the dark,
I hoot, hooty, hoo, and fly over the park.”

Jessie is happy, she wags her tail and goes: “Hoo!”
She has lots of fun friends and now a wise old owl too.

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