Tuesday 26 March 2013

Buzzi Brains perceptual exercise for kids

“Buzzi Brains” Perceptual Exercise
SENSES (Perceptual Development)
·        Feel (Tactile sense)
·        Smell
·        Taste
·        Hear
·        See
Use concrete objects to play a game using all the senses!
1.     Feel ~ Allow the child to feel different household objects: Sponge, candle, tin foil plate, steel wool, cotton wool, fluffy toys, etc. (Describe them: rough, smooth, soft, hard, cold, bumpy, scratchy, ridged, etc.)
2.     Smell ~ Let the child handle and smell different fresh herbs: Mint, Lavender, Basil, Lemon balm, Marigold, Penny royal, Rosemary. Vanilla essence, cinnamon, etc. (Discuss the way they smell and what they are used for= cooking, baking cakes, making soap, perfume, tea, etc.)
3.     Taste ~ Let the child taste sugar and salt – and other things that are safe to taste! (Discuss what each is used for = flavouring.)
4.     Hear ~ Listen to and describe noises in the environment. Crush paper, tin foil, egg shells; bang on a pot, a cup, the door, etc.)
5.     See ~ Look at different objects. Describe the colours, texture, size.
1.     Classifying ~ Allow the child to sort a variety of concrete objects into things that belong together: clothes, fruit, toy animals, toy action figures, flowers, kitchen utensils, etc.
2.     Odd one out ~ Place a few objects onto the table. Ask the child to work out which object does not fit.
3.     Equals ~ Ask the child to choose two objects that are the same (feel, smell, colour, size, taste, etc.)   

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