Thursday 21 March 2013


Even up to and even in the teen years, parents should continue reading with their children. 
Reading with older children is so beneficial because...
  • 1.    It stretches out the close bond you enjoyed in the earlier years. This is not just about staying close on an interpersonal level. It’s about keeping trust and communications open through stages when children want to naturally withdraw.
  • 2.    It lets you monitor his reading skills. You’ll be listening in a non-threatening scenario and catching reading weaknesses as they occur. Gentle corrections can be made that aren’t possible in a classroom setting. Improvements occur much rapidly in this private, one-on-one trusted setting.
  • 3.    It lets you “in” on what your child is interested in. Letting your child choose topics and stories will keep you tuned to his interests. You get the privilege of sharing this interest.
  • 4.    It gives you an opportunity to urge your child to advance. You can steer your child toward higher level books to progressively add learning challenges. Again, being right there listening is the best way to “coach” your child toward more sophisticated reading without the pain or embarrassment of experimenting with a classroom audience.
  • 5.    It will help your child build a habit and a passion for reading. What better role model than a parent? By taking time from your busy day and expressing pleasure at the routine will help your child appreciate reading as a past time and not a chore.

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